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Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Farewell, Lolo Sencio...

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketIt's a bit odd to start a blog with a very sad post... but I have to because it means a lot to me. Last April 15, 2005, the Grand Old Man of the Enriquez' family joined his creator at the age of 84. Cresencio "Lolo Sencio" Enriquez y Fernandez deserves this post as a tribute in his honor.

We have so much to thank our Lolo Sencio for. During his time, he was a war veteran who fought during World War II; a good teacher to all his students; a mentor to some; an inventor; and an inspiration to us all. I could still remember the time when we were still kids, Lolo would always bring us to an afternoon walk at the "pantalan" in Ronda or amaze us with his stories, Lolo was a very wide reader you know... But all these memories of Lolo Sencio will remain with me forever. Lolo's memories will always be treasured. His legacy will always live on especially that I have taken the road which Lolo has taken during his time, the passion for teaching runs through my blood, having come from a family of educators---from my lolo, lola, grandaunt,aunties, my mother, and me.

Last Monday, April 18, 2005, we saw our Lolo for the last time before we laid him to his final rest.

All I can say is that "My grandpa's the greatest. Lolo, you may be gone, but memories of you will always linger in our hearts...We'll surely miss you...Goodbye, Lo..."

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