I was at the University of San Carlos-Main for a scheduled Job Fair held at the Wrocklage Yard. It has been like eight years or so since I last set foot on my alma mater. The last time I was there was when I was taking up my Masters in Social Psychology. I intended to be early in going to the venue so that I would still have ample time to roam around and take pictures.
As a whole, the school has transformed a lot. Some departments were transferred to different locations. First, I went up to the Psychological Testing Office where I met Ma'am Remy, our professor in Psychometrics. We talked for a while and had to excuse myself since I understood that she has to administer test batteries to the clients there. As I went up to the second floor Iwhere I was supposed to find the Psychology Department, I was a bit disoriented . I was hoping to find familiar faces like former professors, schoolmates-who-have-turned-professors, old flame ( wahahaha...was there any that time? LOL) etc. Anyway, got down and went back to our booth. We received a call that our messenger was on his way to USC to bring our tarpauline standee, I went out to meet him so he could enter the school using the extra gate pass for the said event. While waiting for him, I met my kumareng Leah, who is handle some major subjects in Psychology and was on her way to the Psyc Dept. It was from her that I learned that the Psyc Dept. has been transferred to a bigger location at the third floor, to where the Math and CompSci Department used to be. She promised to show me around the place as soon as I'm done with my duties at my booth. So by lunchbreak, I started climbing up the very, very steep stairs by the side of the USC Post office. I had to defy my fear of climbing those flight of stairs because eversince my college days, I rarely pass by that area for fear of falling down and landing on the headlines since we have a news reporter for a classmate, hahaha.I only got to use those stairs during my Español 1 and 2 with Mdm Aller hahaha.....hadlok ta ma headline oi, naa ra ba si Karlon....that used to be an inside joke within the JIGKATE circle because of our craziness.
Anyway, it was so nice to see familiar faces, like Ma'am Rizza, the department secretary. I was surprised that she still remembered me. There was also Erlinda who is now part of the Psyc faculty and some of the former SHSJ students taking up Psyc, who used to be under me during my Guidance Counselor years. It was good to meet up with them.
My time at USC was so limited, I hope to visit the place again soon, this time with my kids.
Here are some pics to share with.......
........at our job fair booth
.......at the Testing Center with Ma'am Remy
........this used to be the Psyc Department Office
......my visit wouldn't be complete without getting a glimpse of the
Father Goertz Hall. This was the main witness of my rollercoaster ride
as a Psyc major; of becoming aware of who I really am, the laughter
and tears shared by everyone who was with me at the Group Dynamics
Laboratory, etc. FGH was a silent witness to all these and every Psyc
major is aware of that. :)
Well, well, well...buhi pa man diay ni nga pay phone!!!
Another silent witness ni, hahaha...if only you could this
phone talk, it can tell you everything that was untold,
sayang it can't spill the beans, hehehe....:P
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